1 And 2532 I saw 1492 an angel 32 come down 2597 from 1537 heaven 3772, having 2192 the key 2807 of the bottomless pit 12 and 2532 a great 3173 chain 254 in 1909 his 848 hand 5495.

2 And 2532 he laid hold on 2902 the dragon 1404, that old 744 serpent 3789, which 3739 is 2076 the Devil 1228, and 2532 Satan 4567, and 2532 bound 1210 him 846 a thousand 5507 years 2094,

3 And 2532 cast 906 him 846 into 1519 the bottomless pit 12, and 2532 shut 2808 0 him 846 up 2808, and 2532 set a seal 4972 upon 1883 him 846, that 3363 0 he should deceive 4105 the nations 1484 no 3363 more 2089, till 891 the thousand 5507 years 2094 should be fulfilled 5055: and 2532 after 3326 that 5023 he 846 must 1163 be loosed 3089 a little 3398 season 5550.

4 And 2532 I saw 1492 thrones 2362, and 2532 they sat 2523 upon 1909 them 846, and 2532 judgment 2917 was given 1325 unto them 846: and 2532 I saw the souls 5590 of them that were beheaded 3990 for 1223 the witness 3141 of Jesus 2424, and 2532 for 1223 the word 3056 of God 2316, and 2532 which 3748 had 4352 0 not 3756 worshipped 4352 the beast 2342, neither 3777 his 846 image 1504, 2532 neither 3756 had received 2983 his mark 5480 upon 1909 their 848 foreheads 3359, or 2532 in 1909 their 848 hands 5495; and 2532 they lived 2198 and 2532 reigned 936 with 3326 Christ 5547 a thousand 5507 years 2094.

5 But 1161 the rest 3062 of the dead 3498 lived 326 0 not 3756 again 326 until 2193 the thousand 5507 years 2094 were finished 5055. This 3778 is the first 4413 resurrection 386.

6 Blessed 3107 and 2532 holy 40 is he that hath 2192 part 3313 in 1722 the first 4413 resurrection 386: on 1909 such 5130 the second 1208 death 2288 hath 2192 no 3756 power 1849, but 235 they shall be 2071 priests 2409 of God 2316 and 2532 of Christ 5547, and 2532 shall reign 936 with him 3326 a thousand 5507 years 2094.

7 And 2532 when 3752 the thousand 5507 years 2094 are expired 5055, Satan 4567 shall be loosed 3089 out of 1537 his 848 prison 5438,

8 And 2532 shall go out 1831 to deceive 4105 the nations 1484 which 3588 are in 1722 the four 5064 quarters 1137 of the earth 1093, Gog 1136 and 2532 Magog 3098, to gather 4863 0 them 846 together 4863 to 1519 battle 4171: the number 706 of whom 3739 is as 5613 the sand 285 of the sea 2281.

9 And 2532 they went up 305 on 1909 the breadth 4114 of the earth 1093, and 2532 compassed 2944 0 the camp 3925 of the saints 40 about 2944, and 2532 the beloved 25 city 4172: and 2532 fire 4442 came down 2597 from 575 God 2316 out of 1537 heaven 3772, and 2532 devoured 2719 them 846.

10 And 2532 the devil 1228 that deceived 4105 them 846 was cast 906 into 1519 the lake 3041 of fire 4442 and 2532 brimstone 2303, where 3699 the beast 2342 and 2532 the false prophet 5578 are, and 2532 shall be tormented 928 day 2250 and 2532 night 3571 for 1519 ever 165 and ever 165.

11 And 2532 I saw 1492 a great 3173 white 3022 throne 2362, and 2532 him that sat 2521 on 1909 it 846, from 575 whose 3739 face 4383 the earth 1093 and 2532 the heaven 3772 fled away 5343; and 2532 there was found 2147 no 3756 place 5117 for them 846.

12 And 2532 I saw 1492 the dead 3498, small 3398 and 2532 great 3173, stand 2476 before 1799 God 2316; and 2532 the books 975 were opened 455: and 2532 another 243 book 975 was opened 455, which 3739 is 2076 the book of life 2222: and 2532 the dead 3498 were judged 2919 out of 1537 those things which were written 1125 in 1722 the books 975, according to 2596 their 846 works 2041.

13 And 2532 the sea 2281 gave up 1325 the dead 3498 which 3588 were in 1722 it 846; and 2532 death 2288 and 2532 hell 86 delivered up 1325 the dead 3498 which 3588 were in 1722 them 846: and 2532 they were judged 2919 every man 1538 according to 2596 their 846 works 2041.

14 And 2532 death 2288 and 2532 hell 86 were cast 906 into 1519 the lake 3041 of fire 4442. This 3778 is 2076 the second 1208 death 2288.

15 And 2532 whosoever 1536 was 2147 0 not 3756 found 2147 written 1125 in 1722 the book 976 of life 2222 was cast 906 into 1519 the lake 3041 of fire 4442.

STRONGS Concordance & the KJV is in the public domain.