1 And Solomon 8010 made affinity 2859 with Pharaoh 6547 king 4428 of Egypt 4714, and took 3947 Pharaoh's 6547 daughter 1323, and brought 935 her into the city 5892 of David 1732, until he had made an end 3615 of building 1129 his own house 1004, and the house 1004 of the LORD 3068, and the wall 2346 of Jerusalem 3389 round about 5439.

2 Only the people 5971 sacrificed 2076 in high places 1116, because there was no house 1004 built 1129 unto the name 8034 of the LORD 3068, until those days 3117.

3 And Solomon 8010 loved 157 the LORD 3068, walking 3212 in the statutes 2708 of David 1732 his father 1: only he sacrificed 2076 and burnt incense 6999 in high places 1116.

4 And the king 4428 went 3212 to Gibeon 1391 to sacrifice 2076 there; for that 1931 was the great 1419 high place 1116: a thousand 505 burnt offerings 5930 did Solomon 8010 offer 5927 upon that altar 4196.

5 In Gibeon 1391 the LORD 3068 appeared 7200 to Solomon 8010 in a dream 2472 by night 3915: and God 430 said 559, Ask 7592 what I shall give 5414 thee.

6 And Solomon 8010 said 559, Thou hast shewed 6213 unto thy servant 5650 David 1732 my father 1 great 1419 mercy 2617, according as he walked 1980 before 6440 thee in truth 571, and in righteousness 6666, and in uprightness 3483 of heart 3824 with thee; and thou hast kept 8104 for him this great 1419 kindness 2617, that thou hast given 5414 him a son 1121 to sit 3427 on his throne 3678, as it is this day 3117.

7 And now, O LORD 3068 my God 430, thou hast made thy servant 5650 king 4427 instead of David 1732 my father 1: and I am but a little 6996 child 5288: I know 3045 not how to go out 3318 or come in 935.

8 And thy servant 5650 is in the midst 8432 of thy people 5971 which thou hast chosen 977, a great 7227 people 5971, that cannot be numbered 4487 nor counted 5608 for multitude 7230.

9 Give 5414 therefore thy servant 5650 an understanding 8085 heart 3820 to judge 8199 thy people 5971, that I may discern 995 between good 2896 and bad 7451: for who is able 3201 to judge 8199 this thy so great 3515 a people 5971?

10 And the speech 1697 pleased 3190 5869 the Lord 136, that Solomon 8010 had asked 7592 this thing 1697.

11 And God 430 said 559 unto him, Because thou hast asked 7592 this thing 1697, and hast not asked 7592 for thyself long 7227 life 3117; neither hast asked 7592 riches 6239 for thyself, nor hast asked 7592 the life 5315 of thine enemies 341; but hast asked 7592 for thyself understanding 995 to discern 8085 judgment 4941;

12 Behold, I have done 6213 according to thy words 1697: lo, I have given 5414 thee a wise 2450 and an understanding 995 heart 3820; so that there was none like thee before 6440 thee, neither after 310 thee shall any arise 6965 like unto thee.

13 And I have also given 5414 thee that which thou hast not asked 7592, both riches 6239, and honour 3519: so that there shall not be any 376 among the kings 4428 like unto thee all thy days 3117.

14 And if thou wilt walk 3212 in my ways 1870, to keep 8104 my statutes 2706 and my commandments 4687, as thy father 1 David 1732 did walk 1980, then I will lengthen 748 thy days 3117.

15 And Solomon 8010 awoke 3364; and, behold, it was a dream 2472. And he came 935 to Jerusalem 3389, and stood 5975 before 6440 the ark 727 of the covenant 1285 of the LORD 3068, and offered up 5927 burnt offerings 5930, and offered 6213 peace offerings 8002, and made 6213 a feast 4960 to all his servants 5650.

16 Then came 935 there two 8147 women 802, that were harlots 2181, unto the king 4428, and stood 5975 before 6440 him.

17 And the one 259 woman 802 said 559, O 994 my lord 113, I and this woman 802 dwell 3427 in one 259 house 1004; and I was delivered of a child 3205 with her in the house 1004.

18 And it came to pass the third 7992 day 3117 after that I was delivered 3205, that this woman 802 was delivered 3205 also: and we were together 3162; there was no stranger 2114 with us in the house 1004, save 2108 we two 8147 in the house 1004.

19 And this woman's 802 child 1121 died 4191 in the night 3915; because she overlaid 7901 it.

20 And she arose 6965 at midnight 8432 3915, and took 3947 my son 1121 from beside 681 me, while thine handmaid 519 slept 3463, and laid 7901 it in her bosom 2436, and laid 7901 her dead 4191 child 1121 in my bosom 2436.

21 And when I rose 6965 in the morning 1242 to give my child 1121 suck 3243, behold, it was dead 4191: but when I had considered 995 it in the morning 1242, behold, it was not my son 1121, which I did bear 3205.

22 And the other 312 woman 802 said 559, Nay; but the living 2416 is my son 1121, and the dead 4191 is thy son 1121. And this said 559, No; but the dead 4191 is thy son 1121, and the living 2416 is my son 1121. Thus they spake 1696 before 6440 the king 4428.

23 Then said 559 the king 4428, The one 2063 saith 559, This is my son 1121 that liveth 2416, and thy son 1121 is the dead 4191: and the other 2063 saith 559, Nay; but thy son 1121 is the dead 4191, and my son 1121 is the living 2416.

24 And the king 4428 said 559, Bring 3947 me a sword 2719. And they brought 935 a sword 2719 before 6440 the king 4428.

25 And the king 4428 said 559, Divide 1504 the living 2416 child 3206 in two 8147, and give 5414 half 2677 to the one 259, and half 2677 to the other 259.

26 Then spake 559 the woman 802 whose the living 2416 child 1121 was unto the king 4428, for her bowels 7356 yearned 3648 upon her son 1121, and she said 559, O 994 my lord 113, give 5414 her the living 2416 child 3205, and in no wise 4191 slay 4191 it. But the other said 559, Let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide 1504 it.

27 Then the king 4428 answered 6030 and said 559, Give 5414 her the living 2416 child 3205, and in no wise 4191 slay 4191 it: she is the mother 517 thereof.

28 And all Israel 3478 heard 8085 of the judgment 4941 which the king 4428 had judged 8199; and they feared 3372 the king 6440: for they saw 7200 that the wisdom 2451 of God 430 was in him 7130, to do 6213 judgment 4941.

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