I was referred to an article by Andrew Wommack Ministries, but I felt it could confuse people about healing.

Excerpt from the article:

"God has already placed His healing power within us, and it is now under our authority. It isn’t up to God to determine who receives healing; it’s up to us!"

You can read the full article here.

Since I sometimes seek guidance from Pastor Mark, I asked him to clarify his thoughts on this article, and this was his reply.

Pastor Mark's Response:

Regarding godly authority, God eternally has ALL authority. God being Father, Son, & Holy Spirit - all three have such authority. Some have confused the transference of His power to His true believers as has been understood by a collective study of Mt. 28:18 and Lk. 10:19 added to Mk. 16:17,18. The misinterpretation is a result of confusing "power" with "authority". POWER is the actual force released by AUTHORITY.

By virtue of the Holy Spirit's anointing, coming upon a true believers, He causes a demonstration of godly POWER because of the AUTHORITY Jesus said would exist in the NAME of JESUS - Phil.2:9-11. In Acts 19, the story of those sons of Sceva who attempted a counterfeit experience with the Holy Spirit's power, were rebuked by the very demons they attempted to combat. "The evil spirit said to them, "Paul I know, and Jesus I know, but who are you?" Then the possessed man leaped on them and over powered them," Ac.19:15,16.

Faith that Jesus has invested His power in believers through the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, allows those believers to execute Godly authority in the NAME of Jesus. But, this should never be construed as God relinquishing His total authority eternally over ALL things, at ALL times, in ALL places. It's like the police badge. It represents the power and authority of the law. It isn't the law, merely a representative of the law.

As servants of the Lord, we likewise are called to represent Him. We are His ambassadors, and as such may speak with authority in His name. But we are NOT the authority. Jesus further reminds us, " You can do NOTHING apart from Me" - Jn.15:5